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September 22, 2022


On Monday, Sept. 19, the Blue Springs City Council voted to adopt the Fiscal Year 2023 operating budget of $109,834,284. The new budget will go into effect on Oct. 1, 2022.

The FY 2023 Annual City Budget focuses on delivering important City services to residents and improving the vital infrastructure of the City. 

“Our core and essential services always receive the highest priority in committing funds, but all budgeting decisions present unique challenges due to the City’s limited resources,” City Administrator Mike Ekey said. “Still, this budget makes clear to our residents the value they receive each day from their tax dollars.”

Capital Improvements make up the largest portion of the City’s Annual Budget at $46.42 million – with $35 million for the Blue Springs Aquatics facility. This funding comes from the anticipated sale of bonds, which will then be repaid through the voter-approved Parks Sales Tax. The City expects to break ground on the Aquatics Center in November 2022 with a projected completion date of May 2024. Another $8.2 million from Parks Sales Tax Fund will go toward planned park maintenance projects in 2023. 

The FY 2023 budget also includes $4.8 million dedicated to the Streets Improvement Program, which includes the reconstruction, milling, and overlay of City streets in need. Other capital investments include $2.7 million for water and sewer system improvements and $150,000 for a police security camera pilot program. 

A significant piece of the City’s operating budget funds employee compensation and benefits. More than 315 full-time equivalent positions are funded in the FY 2023 budget, which is a net increase of one position from the FY 2022 budget. Total salaries and personal costs are estimated at $25.2 million and make up about 23 percent of the total budget.

To prepare the City’s 2023 budget, City staff worked diligently to ensure limited funding was committed to delivering vital City services and to further the strategic goals and objectives set by the Mayor and City Council. Staff uses an approach that required each department to prepare their budget requests as if they were doing it for the first time and with the understanding that available resources must be dedicated to targeted service areas that address the City’s strategic goals. 

The full FY 2023 Annual Budget, and the Budget Snapshot are available on the City’s website at www.bluespringsgov.com.

FY 2022-2023 Adopted Budget